Acceptance of Transfer Credit

East Georgia State College (EGSC) accepts transfer credit in accordance with the polices, 格鲁吉亚大学系统的规则和实践,以及它的 institutional mission. 每个转学课程的EGSC课程等效性由整个系统确定 agreements, articulation agreements between specified institutions, and faculty members of the respective departments and is based on criteria such as level, course content, 质量、课程成果和学生的学位课程.

在适用的情况下,注册办公室根据这些文件处理转移学分 faculty decisions.

  • EGSC接受从地区认可机构转移的学分. post-secondary institutions will normally transfer to EGSC if they are comparable to courses offered 在这里获得学分,或者如果被提供的话可以获得学分.
  • 佐治亚大学系统承认一个共同的核心课程 transfer degree programs.
  • USG和TCSG机构接受 General Education Courses 在各自认可院校之间转学. 28 courses transfer between the Technical College System colleges and the University System of Georgia colleges and universities.
  • EGSC使用佐治亚大学系统统一评分标准. When courses with plus/minus grades are transferred these grades are equated to standard grades of A, B, C, D, or F on a 4.0 scale. 
  • 在以前的机构尝试的所有课程将列在东格鲁吉亚 transcript, along with the grade earned at the previous institution equated to a standard A-F grade. 如果一门课程在转学中不被接受,它将被列为“NONT - not” Accepted” These courses are not counted in a student’s transfer/overall academic GPA.
  • If a course is accepted but not considered to be equivalent to an East Georgia course, 这门课将作为选修课转学.
  • 学校实行学期制. 因此,所有的转学分都是在 semester hours. 季度学时将转换为学期学时,比例为 .每学期667个学时. 因此,一个5小时的课程将收到 3.33 semester hours at EGSC. 从其他机构转来的课程也会 transfer to EGSC with the same number of semester credit hours the student received at the previous institution. 
  • 通过武装部队完成的信用将根据 EGSC’s policy for Military credit.
  • A student’s cumulative GPA, which consists of his or her institutional and transfer GPA, will be used to determine whether the student is eligible for honors at graduation 在完成学位期间.
    If a student repeated a course at the same institution, only the last attempt is counted.
  • Subject to approval by the appropriate EGSC academic department, high school students who participate in an Advanced Placement Program will be awarded appropriate course credit provided a score of three (3) or better is earned on The College Board Advanced Placement Test (AP).
  • Official test scores should be mailed directly from The College Board to the Office 到招生/记录办公室复核.
  • 大学先修课程考试和同等的十大彩票平台课程是 listed on the Credit by Exam page.
  • Students may earn up to 18 semester hours of college credit by making satisfactory scores on the Subject Examinations of the 大学水平考试计划(CLEP).
  • 要获得CLEP学分,学生必须获得50分或以上的分数. Students earning a score of 50 or above on the College Composition Subject Examination must also write 一篇论文,将由英语系评分. The English Department must 只有在大学作文获得学分之前,我才会批准并“通过”这篇文章 awarded.
  • CLEP credit is not awarded for any science-related course that has laboratory requirements. A student may not attempt a CLEP examination for a course in a field in which credit 已经获得了更高级课程的学分.
  • 不得为了获得学分而重复考试.
  • CLEP考试和等效的EGSC课程列在 Credit by Exam page.
  • Course credit by examination will be awarded with a grade of “K” and will not count in a student’s academic GPA.
EGSC awards academic credit to students who score well on certain exams, including the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination 课程(CLEP)和丹尼斯学科标准化考试(DSST)考试. All test scores 必须正式提交给院校考虑吗.
  • Departmental examinations are available in certain subject areas which are not included 作为大学水平考试计划的一部分. (i.e. First aid, foreign language, etc.).
  • 主管学术和学生事务的副校长 Affairs must grant permission for a student 尝试部门考试. 主管学术和学生事务的副校长 Affairs will refer the examination results to the Deans and faculty members of the respective subject area, who will grade and review the examination to determine if the student meets the competencies and course knowledge to be granted credit for the course.
Credits earned through eCore courses will transfer to institutions within the University System of Georgia and to most other colleges and universities - please see the transfer equivalency guide for more information.
    • EGSC will allow academic credit for appropriate courses within the institution’s core curriculum for corresponding International Baccalaureate (IB) subject area coursework.
    • 国际学士学位课程的学分将被授予 Diploma Program in which a student obtained designated end-of-course assessment scores.

High Level IB课程的分数是学习成绩的一个强有力的指标 这是对一个普通高中生的期望.

Standard Level (大学预科)成绩达到五分及以上(大学可比) scores of four or more will be considered for credit suggesting that the IB Program 工作相当于大学水平的课程.

    • IB评估授予的大学课程总学分不得超过24学分.
    • The course credit schema below will be used by East Georgia State College with allowances 在每个类别的可变学分,以说明实验室和/或深度 material cove red in the IB Program subject area that may be comparable to more than one college-level course:
Score Standard Level (SL) High Level (HL)
4 0 3-4
5 0-4 3-8
6-7 3-8 3-12
    • College credit will vary dependent upon courses offered at EGSC and eligibility requirements will be determined by the respective Schools (Social Science, Humanities, Math/Science).
Students with transcripts from a college or university outside the United States must submit a foreign credential evaluation from an approved International Evaluation agency 以便注册办公室对学分进行评估. For information 十大彩票游戏平台国外学历评估要求,请查阅 International Student Admissions page for additional information.
Evaluation of transfer credit will not be done on a course-by-course basis for a student 谁持有地区认可院校的学士学位. Only the 最后的GPA和学时记录. 核心领域(A-E)和一般选修课 will be waived for Post-Baccalaureate students who completed their degree at another USG institution. 在非美国政府机构完成学士学位的学生 是否需要与他们的顾问沟通,以确定是否有任何额外的课程 需要完成他们在EGSC的学位课程.
  • In accordance with BOR Policy -3.3.4 all students seeking to obtain an undergraduate degree from an USG institution are required to demonstrate proficiency in US History and Constitution and Georgia History and Constitution. 通过完成POLS 1101和HIST,可以在EGSC满足这两个要求 2111 or 2112.
  • Students transferring to EGSC from a USG or TCSG Institution may satisfy both requirements 通过完成相当于POLS 1101的课程 & HIST 2111或HIST 2112或填写 the legislative requirements in accordance with their previously attended institution.
  • 从各州获得HIST 2111或2112或POLS 1101转学分的学生 格鲁吉亚以外的不符合格鲁吉亚立法要求. In order to fulfill the Georgia requirement for an American Government or History course taken at an out-of-state institution a student must take and pass the Georgia portion of these courses through an exam offered by EGSC. 请联系历史和/或政治科学系 for additional information.
  • 考试学分不能满足立法要求. Students who have received “K” credit will still need to take the appropriate courses to satisfy these requirements.
  • Courses completed at the Technical College System of Georgia or out-of-state technical 机构由TCSG/USG Mini-Core批准清单进行审查-请参阅 transfer equivalency guide for more information.
    • 可能要求重新评价潜在的直接等效性.

转学分不能保证,并以个人为基础考虑. Each student 是否会与一位学术顾问会面,他将审阅学生的学术历史 and determine how transfer credit may be applied within the curriculum for their degree program. 东格鲁吉亚保留拒绝转让信用证的权利 它不符合上述转移学分政策中概述的标准.